[Cyberduck-news] Cyberduck 2.8.4

David Kocher dkocher at cyberduck.ch
Sat Jan 26 21:23:20 CET 2008

A new version of Cyberduck is available. Use the 'Check for Update...'  
feature in Cyberduck to automatically update your already installed  

	> http://cyberduck.ch/Cyberduck-2.8.4.dmg

2.8.4 [http://trac.cyberduck.ch/query?status=closed&milestone=2.8.4]
[Bugfix] Crash when dismissing sheet attached to window [#1616]
[Bugfix] Resolving Bonjour names blocks user interface [#1657]
[Bugfix] Closing browser window during connection attempt blocks user  
[Bugfix] Downloading to default download location when dragging folder  
to Finder [#1611]
[Feature] Add group ownership as optional browser column [#1590]

Post bug reports and feature requests here:
	> http://trac.cyberduck.ch/newticket
Support development
	> http://cyberduck.ch/donate

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