[Cyberduck-localization] New localization strings for 3.1 release

David Kocher dkocher at cyberduck.ch
Sun Dec 7 01:06:46 CET 2008

Hello all,
	I am currently finalizing the features for the upcoming 3.1 release  
which brings support for configuration of content distribution in the  
cloud for both Amazon CloudFront and Mosso CloudFiles [1].

The localizations required for status messages and new interface  
elements in the Info panel are as follows:
In Mosso.strings:

/* Content Distribution Network */
"CDN Enabled" = "CDN Aktiv";

/* Content Distribution Network */
"CDN Disabled" = "CDN nicht aktiv";

In Status.strings:

/* Cloud */
"Enable {0} Distribution" = "{0} Verteilung aktivieren";

/* Cloud */
"Disable {0} Distribution" = "{0} Verteilung stoppen";

In S3.strings:

/* The current status of the distribution. When the status is  
Deployed, the distribution's information is fully propagated  
throughout the Amazon CloudFront system. */
"InProgress" = "In Bearbeitung";

/* The current status of the distribution. When the status is  
Deployed, the distribution's information is fully propagated  
throughout the Amazon CloudFront system. */
"Deployed" = "Aktiv";

In Info.strings:

/* NSButton (Refresh) : <title:Refresh> (oid:218) */
"Refresh" = "Aktualisieren";

Please do not edit these texts inline in your reply. Download and edit  
the *.strings files from the source repository [2] instead.

Many thanks for your continued support!


[1] http://sudo.ch/2008/12/01/cyberduck-swimming-in-the-cloud/
[2] http://svn.cyberduck.ch/trunk

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